10 April, 2006


Sorry I haven't been particularly good about writing recently, I will endeavour to do better in future. In all honesty there really hasn't been a fantastic amount to report.
I have been working full time at Genius Creative PR now that they have moved to Harrogate. (Check out the website - it's finally up and has been a bit of a labour of love for Paul!)
Currently working on 20/20/02Vision and getting some great pieces for my portfolio - which is the next major stress!
I will be travelling down to London for the bank holiday weekend - hopefully missing the vast amounts of people who take the four day weekend as an excuse to go to the country. This will be where I can really crack on with the portfolio.
The portfolio, I reckon, is possibly the most important thing that you have and so it has to be first rate. In recent years I have not particularly excelled in this area (much to my frustration, because although they were not poor grades I felt I should have got better) and so this year all the stops are being pulled out. I will also have to take it with me to interviews so that makes it all the more important. I just hope that this year I get it right!
You will know more as and when I do.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. very interesting, Alex.

I had heard of Creative Genius through a friend who runs a one man photography firm (www.johntudorphotography.co.uk) and met them at a Leeds networking event.

I didn't know they had set up around the corner (literally) from where I work!

Might be worth checking out the competition!

Alex Pullin said...

Ha ha ha - do I detect some cane twirling and beard stroking Simon? You sound almost ominous there!

Anyway it's called Genius Creative PR.

(Where in a couple of months you will all be begging to work ;-)!)

Anonymous said...

What a not so 'creative' or indeed 'genius' name... Shame that so many little agencies are popping up across the country with such unoriginal names.

Anonymous said...

haha, is it about the name or the expertise, campaigns and thus results achieved?

It's interesting that this post decided to remain anonymous... embarrased of the negative swipe maybe - probably standing behind a major corporate, or even a local competitor...hmmm, remember those little fiends behind the gang of bullies, hehe(!)

I'm only joking my friend, you are entitled to your opinion.

I do appreciate your concerns. However, so long as the 'little agencies' follow the codes of conduct and deliver on their promises, I applaud them - whatever their name may be.

Remember, the small agency is the small business, the small business is the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur is the backbone of our economy - now get back to work or you may get into trouble(!)

I should have posted this anonymously - now I'm probably going to be teased over the surname.

Anonymous said...

What's in a name? Well, for most small agencies, not a lot of business. Why? Because when prospective clients are scrolling through links and thumbing through the Yellow Pages, a name like...oh, I don't know....'Invicta' for example, whilst it has certain credentials amongst those who are versed in latin, simply is not attention-grabbing enough to the people likely to be calling you up.

Remember 'Consignia'? Well, after expensively purchasing a cutting edge name promised as a new corporate beacon, The Post Office decided that actually, The Post Office is slightly better, paticularly on account of the fact that it's reasonably evident from the company name what the company actually does.

Small agencies with avant-garde nomenclature look like small agencies. And stay small agencies.

'Genius'. 'Creative'. Quite a claim, but you'd need to see the results to see whether it's an overstatement. Which means you'd need to give them a try....